
I'm sorry but it's over now

It feels so good to start breathing, smiling, living again.

I constantly find myself reverting back to my old self, anticipating loss. Well, I do the inversion to put more blood to my brain. It actually works. I'm in that place now where your head is clear enough to look back and start picking up the lessons learned. Or at least the lessons you refused to learn.

I still find myself going back to my old ways, I need to start putting post its everywhere to remind me what to do.I'm just glad I remember to stop doing the things that make someone I do not want to be.

I have 1 lesson reinforced this week: Self pity, low self esteem, it's unattractive. It doesn't hurt to have insecurities here and there, I guess it is normal. But when you're from the outside looking in, you just see how it can negatively affect something that is good to begin with. Looks like "fake it till you make it" is not such a bad mantra, in the meantime.

That guy up there, his timing is impeccable, you just have to let go and trust him.

I love seeing myself smile again.

Are you happy today? I know I am.



The head is naturally above your heart for good reason. Just like in yoga, sometimes you need to do an inversion, to get more blood to your head and help you think clearer.

I always used my head, and somehow always got left behind. I always ended up using my heart way too late.

I'm using my heart now. I'm not sure where it is leading me. But somehow, waking up everyday not having to argue with myself is quite refreshing. Getting that smile on my face is no longer a task.

I'm gonna be happy while you're around or while I'm around you. I'm not gonna get ahead of myself and anticipate losing you. I'm just going to be happy.

When the time comes one of us has to leave, it will not feel like something is ending. It will just mean it's time to open another chapter. A happy chapter.


Moving forward

You have become the past.