
All purpose blog

I've been posting an incredible amount of non sense lately. Not that this blog was ever meant to mean anything. But this page has been getting an extra dose of non sense everyday. 

This blog is serving its purpose. 

It was meant to be a place for all my useless, random thoughts. Some of the posts i've published i no longer believe in. Some i still do. Some still make sense to me. Some dont. I write almost immediately after a burst of emotion. I seldom hold back. I write whatever comes to mind. I read and notice all the errors. Grammatical, content wise. I read some and it's like i have memorized the whole entry. Sometimes i read it and it's like someone else wrote it. 

I take mental notes. I correlate what happened with what i wrote. I learn how i may have overreacted. How i should have handled the situation. Why my theory is flawed. Why i dont make sense. I try to learn. This is how i learn. I have to think. Maybe i overthink. Maybe because that's all i get to do. Think, wonder, sometimes hope. I've been told that maybe i should just keep my thoughts to myself. That's why i write lest i just die from so many thoughts and wonderments and hopes left unsaid. 

If i want to keep you then i'll go crazy on you more than once. Because i want you to know me and i want to know if we can handle each other. I'm not a very good judge of character. 

I'm not sure why im writing this. Maybe just so i dont lose track of what lesson im trying to learn. I'm kinda lost right now. Well maybe not lost. Just really sad. 

I did learn something new this week. Get hope out of your head. Play loud music until you are deaf and  pretend that you dont care. When care starts creeping back. Lie. And pretend some more. 

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