
A good morning

I woke up with a smile. One that lasted the whole day. Like a bubble that forgot how to burst. Or a slow moving picture, one of the best you have.

It's far fetched but nevertheless a happy dream.

It took me a good half hour to get off bed simply because the i don't want to erase the images. it was one of those dreams where you know you're dreaming.

It was a nice kiss on the forehead of my dream.

Replays, reruns.

seldom do dreams come out so well that you'd want to leave the lovely world of lalaland hoping to come by a sweet reality. Me in the real world, that is saying something.

Of course, dreams are also as delicate as bubbles, ready to burst anytime. And it did.

Darling, that image once again. Let it go.

You're fighting a losing battle.

I must be sick. I'm strangely happy that I'm almost sad about it.
Need to talk or sleep or breathe.


I have a long list of things I hate. I guess that makes me a hateful person.

Some say that the things you hate the most in other people are the things you probably hate about yourself. God, I hope I don’t become the things I hate.



Summertime: I’ve lost track of what summer vacation is. This time next year, hopefully, fortunately and unfortunately, summertime would only mean the best time to make use of accumulated leaves (or is that even a correct term). Force leave, sick leave… haha

Sometimes, when the sun feels arrogant and starts to fry your brain, you get thoughts that you can’t quite define. They are thoughts that wreck havoc inside your hydration-challenged brain. They range from real to surreal, shallow and indepth. Thus, the birth of the Brainfried Thoughts. (a close relative of the Old Ideas Series and practically as useless).

Thought 1: I hope that this generation’s voters are intelligent enough to see those politicians’ dirty, insulting, desperate tactics.

Thought 2: I love my privacy. I do. I seriously dislike it, when people make the extra effort to get behind you and ogle your daily dose of internet nonsense. When you’re phone gets used without your permission, I probably would have said yes if you asked but I’d prefer that you bother with the asking. It’s a bad attitude of mine I recognize that but but but.

Thought 3:

Dear Day,

The night is the best time to relish the silence and your solitude, in front of your laptop, away from people’s stares. The best ideas come to life at night when the world is presumably asleep and only a handful share the silence with you. The best strategies to ‘outshine the moon’ (Bloc Party- The Prayer) come to life when everyone else is too busy snoring. Nighttime is the best time to come up with stupid ideas because once you succumb to sleep Mr. Sandman can clean all your toxic ideas. The darkness of the night is the best time to miss the people you never will miss you, because they are too preoccupied missing someone else. Nighttime is the best time to reread Harry Potter because no one bothers you. Of course, the hype of the night is dulled by daytime coz when the morning breaks everyone assumes that it’s time to be awake to tread the murky waters that is the world. They are not aware of the wonders of the night, they will never know for I will never tell.

Love, Night

Thought 4: I have an incredible amount of patience. Haha, not really I don’t. I just know how to let my boiling hot temper (mind you, it’s always that way) simmer away inside of me until all that’s left is uhmm well, nothing.

Thought 5: I love my silence. Silence

Thought 6: I get stressed out with company.

Thought 7: I am dying.

I have decided to end this series here apparently, because of the lack of eloquence in my thoughts due to the fact that my brain is coming out of my ears.

Bye, world. I strived to come up with crispy thoughts, crunchy enough for your brain to bite. Alas, I came up with some soggy and some burnt thoughts for desperate brain. Oops

World, I'll be back with more soggy and burnt thoughts haha