
to keep the impossible, impossible

There are exactly 2 people, whose smiles are blinding, and are giving me tears and smiles all at the same time. One took something away, something I never really had. And one gave me something, something I will never have.

Now I’m ready to laugh and smile.

To want the two impossibles.


I'm betting on this one:

When you're down there's no way but up.


For. Ever. isareallyreallyREALLYlongtime

A world where you get stepped on, called names, gossiped about, played, damaged, hurt and worse, forgotten.

They lure you into the place they call The Real World. They entice you with promises of success, companionship and maybe some happiness. They say they’d prepare you for the ride. When they think you are ready, they ask you to plant your feet in the ground. Dear. It’s gonna be a rollercoaster ride.

Aside from the fact that you get all dizzy from the turning, nothing is all pleasant in that turning wheel of whatever. It’s like the floor you’re standing on gets pulled from below you. Better to be hitting walls than falling into nothingness.

Ya. You’re damaged; you’re now ready to be forgotten.

How long have you been forgotten?

Did they fail to mention, again, that it’s gonna be for a long time

In the Real World that means forever.

Mazel t?

I don’t know if this is the part where you say, ‘it’s over’, when everything just falls into place.

As cliché as cliché may sound, the last puzzle should have fallen into place. Someone should have shouted ‘Mazel Tov’, everyone’s happy and the show is over.

You should be smiling inwardly because you know that you’ve won. Or if you have not won, you’re done.

You should be unable to let words flow because happiness is a reason not to write. You should have a hard time with writing.

You should be ecstatic. You should resent the word ecstatic because it doesn’t come close to what it feels like.

Now, you know. This is not the part where you say, ‘it’s over’. Things just got boring. Or maybe things just got too tiring.

It’s fun not to care for a few moments. A few moments. It’s fun to find out what the world has been up to, while you’re in your misery trance.

It’s fun for a few moments. Just.

I will say ‘it’s over’ now. Then tomorrow I’ll take it back.