
mediocre should be taken out of the dictionary.

what makes it all worse. to exist and to forget the exquisite art of living. hell they say to be living.a handful people differ. and the remaining lot make it true
for rest of them who do not believe it is grand to be living.to be mediocre,to be content with what you know is not the most. to let it go before you're sure that it never was for you.for everyday that you're frozen,for everyday that you exist.you make it worse for those who need a hand,when it's you who could be more.and you know.
it's being right there in the middle, being mediocre. and you will never be mediocre unless you know you've given it all. there are a few who bring out the best in you, and a few who pretend. but in the end it's all you, the best and not the mediocre.


Ramblings on Good Omens

“In a small house in Dorking, Surrey, a light was on in a bedroom window. Newton Pulsifer was twelve, and thin, and bespectacled, and he should have been in bed hours ago.”

“Sometimes he was called White, or Blanc, or Albus, or Chalky, or Weiss, or Snowy, or any one of the hundred other names. His skin was pale, his hair a faded blond, his eyes light gray… “

-Excerpts from Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett’s Good Omens.

I don’t know if it’s just me or those sound like descriptions of Harry Potter and his ‘childhood enemy’ Draco. (and by childhood enemy I mean Draco has found himself a ‘new archrival’, himself.)

Living in Surrey, thin and bespectacled.(Harry). Pale skin, faded blond hair, light gray eyes…what’s funny are the names: Albus? Snowy? Nothing really that was just my active imagination.

Good Omens was definitely a good read. With all the things that’s happening around the world, natural calamities, death. Dementors running loose. Reading a book like that makes you hope that the ‘antichrist’ (in loose terms) was misplaced. Now living in Europe does sound more interesting…What with an angel-demon-guardian, with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in motorcycles (with four followers that possess rather hilariously concocted names) a misplaced baby antichrist with an extremely long title, (that just has to be repeated in full lest you risk the wrath Hell) with a dog named Dog, and other characters that help bring the book in simple terms, sarcastic at times(with some not-for-slow-people-jokes)but a metaphor for life. Oh and lots of subtitles too, you can’t help but look for them in the next book you read until you realize your wasting time looking for the non-existent. Got to love the book.


where is Slovenia?

Veronika decides to die: My first try on a Paulo Coelho work. Interestingly, I enjoyed it. I simply thought it would be overrated. I didn’t think it had a climax, it seemed like a collection of various stories from deemed ‘crazy people’, which I feel was the central theme. Nevertheless, full to the brim with very nice (I can’t think of another description) quotes, about life and all about the struggle of mankind. Simple words, makes you dwell more on the underlying meaning instead of constantly reaching for the dictionary. You can’t help but feel like you’re in the same situation.


in a rut

wow! i was looking at my endless list of books to read and wow! i definitely have to live a little longer than i thought i should last, because the list goes ever on and on. and this is all amazon's fault.and those who make reviews that make it seem interesting. for the nth time i realized i should be reading but i'm not and for quite sometime i've been stuck to good omens. not sure if that's because i'm dreading having to read one hundred years of solitude, i am so close to returning that book and moving on. my life= in a rut. right now i can see myself, in a very comfortable seat at the cinema, having a GoF, Memoirs of a Geisha and Da Vinci Code marathon. oh dear i'm boring myself to death, is there blood coming out of my ears?


40 year old virgin

'd'you know how i know your gay? because you like coldplay.'
is that so?:)


To mix or not to mix

A nice, tall very cold coffee to soothe your bloody mouth. With whipped cream on top and caramel drizzle that settles very nicely in your mouth. What a limited vocabulary would describe as a perfect end to a useless day. Sweet laziness= guilt free coffee while in front of the computer, rambling. Don’t you just love life? Love it so much you want to destroy every being not capable of ‘living’ it. Love it so much you want to trample the useless beings who EXIST. World domination at its best: reserving the world for PEOPLE!

Coffee just brings out the best in you!

Random thought

misery in the past does not entail unending despair. After all, how the hell are going to own the world?


one day you will rule the world

Girl Name:
Lady Lilth

You are quick to point out
someone's mistakes. You tend to hold grugdes
longer than most people but forgive people who
deserve death.

What Is Your Goth Name?
brought to you by Quizilla

someone was bored

There's a Dragon in your soul. You are very wise
and like to give people advice. You mostly feel
like you are misunderstood and don't like a lot
of people around you. 2 or 3 friends are
enough. You can be very emotional but because
of your intelligence you have the power to go
on and find a solution. You are wise, but
nobody can solve all problems alone, so don't
turn away from everybody and ask for help
sometimes too. That way, problems will be much
easier to solve.

What Mystical Creature is in your soul? ( With Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla


someone shouted heresy while i was talking to god

"those are narrow minded people who do not give a damn about using even 1 percent of their god given intelligence. and we are not challenging religion we are discussing faith"



what's weird in this society is that those who help uphold religion are those who ruin it. should faith be shaken? should we listen for the sake of being religious and let our faith take the backseat? should we believe everything they try to input in what they think are our puny brains? should we be passive about the issues that hammer our religion believing that our faith will save us? should we stop using our god given brains to try and fathom or at least get a glimpse of what life is all about?